
New research on alcohol and the heart

Many studies purport to show some kind of health benefit from drinking (usually red wine) in small amounts. These studies often fail to account for differences in income that might actually cause the health benefits (moderate drinkers may be better off than those who don’t drink).

However, more and more studies are showing that drinking generally causes harm. Many delicious things do (bacon, sugary foods, you name it), but it’s good to know what kind of harm alcohol can cause, even in (relatively) moderate amounts.

See here for the details, but the TL; DR is:

  1. Alcohol disrupts electrical signals in your heart

  2. It does so by causing scarring

  3. The signal disruption means that it can cause an irregular heartbeat

  4. An irregular heartbeat raises the risk of heart attack or stroke

If you’re thinking of quitting or cutting back, let us help you! Download Drinker’s Helper here.